Hrvatska udruga za Alzheimerovu bolest

sri., 23. listopad 2024.

Volunteer recognition

čet 01.03.2012. 06:53:00

Alzheimer Croatia was delighted to learn that their vice-president, Mira Dajčić, had been named Volunteer of the Year 2011 during the European Day of Volunteers in December.

The Ministry of Family, Veterans and Intergenerational Solidarity and the Delegation of the European Union presented the award, which is the highest granted to volunteers in Croatia. Mira has played a vital role in improving the quality of life of people with dementia and their carers in Croatia through her work with the association. As well as conducting regular meetings with family members, running self-help groups and showing great commitment to the association’s helpline, Mira has also written a number of professional papers and information materials. ADI would like to congratulate Mira on receiving such esteemed recognition.

Tags: Alzheimer's Desease International